I’d love to work with you!

I’m a Certified Eating Psychology Coach.

I trained at the world’s leading school in Nutritional Psychology, the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, and I have some amazing tools to help YOU, yes you, to feel your best.

Just for now, I’m offering my services at a fraction of the full cost! (see below for details)
Because you are going to benefit so much from this work.

What can I do for you?

I help you step into your best health, inside and out, so you can look and feel amazing without starving or punishing yourself.

If you’re struggling in any of these areas, I can help.

 Through working with me, I help you to:

  • Let go of those same kilos that you’ve repeatedly been trying to lose (perhaps for many years)
  • Let go of chronic dieting or negative body image that is depleting your life force
  • Heal patterns of binge eating, overeating or emotional eating
  • Improve from digestive issues that keep you disgruntled and in discomfort
  • Regain your energy from fatigue or just generally feeling “blah” (you know what I mean)
  • Balance and improve mood – from anxiety, irritability, to low mood or general lack of “oomph”
  • Break through those health ruts that keep you from feeling your best

Why will this approach work?

The Eating Psychology approach is different to the strategies that you’ve tried before.

If you’ve tried the same strategies over and over, and they give you the same results every time (ie. you temporarily get what you want, but then bounce back to square one) – it’s not because you’re a willpower weakling, it’s because your strategy isn’t working.

Simply put, the Eating Psychology approach is an effective blend of Science and Soul. It addresses our weight concerns, binge eating, overeating, body image challenges, digestive issues, fatigue and other related health concerns in a cutting edge way that gives you lasting results.


By taking a good look at factors of your external environment – such as your diet and nutrition, routines, level of movement, relevant lifestyle factors – as well as factors of your internal environment, if we need to. I use principles of Mind-Body Nutrition and Dynamic Eating Psychology to uncover any inner shifts that you may need to make to help you get to where you really want to go for the long haul. All of my strategies will nourish and empower you, not punish and restrict you. Believe it or not, this is golden ticket to long-term and sustainable good health.

The other thing is… I’ve been through what you’re going through.

I’ve personally been through the Dieting/Negative Body Image/“I’m not OK until I fix my problem” spin cycle before. And I eventually found my freedom again – the Hard Way. Until I addressed some deeper issues that really mattered, for years I used the same surface-level strategies that were all essentially based on following an external set of dietary rules and all requiring some level of restriction, willpower and discipline to “stay on track”. As much as I hoped for these strategies to work, they didn’t.

I know what it’s like to…

… feel desperate, struggling, getting some results only to have them disappear overnight (putting me back a square one), and feeling like no-one else will understand me. If you’re going through this right now, I really get it.

My professional training and personal experience means I understand how you feel
I have the skills and tools to help you navigate through your challenges.

The truth is: there are no “Quick Fixes”. If there was one we would have found it by now.

It’s finding what works for YOU that will finally get you the lasting results you want.


One-on-one coaching sessions can be conducted in person (for clients in Wellington, NZ) or via Skype.

Initial Consultation

90 minutes
(Standard industry rate $90 minimum)
This is an in-depth consultation where we discuss your health concerns in detail, do a dietary intake, and plan out how we get you the results you desire in a tailored and sustainable way. It’s not a quick fix, but I will help you get there as quick as possible.

For now, only pay $45.00

Follow-Up Sessions

60 minutes
(Standard industry rate $60 minimum)
You’ll find that coaching works best and produces lasting results when sessions are regular and consistent. Depending on your needs, we can work together from once every week, once every 2 or 3 weeks, to once every month.

For now, only pay $30.00

Cancellation policy

Cancellations within 24 hours of your scheduled session time will incur the full fee. This policy is representative of the industry standard within the coaching and counselling professions.


Your privacy is very important to me. All our conversations are and will be kept strictly confidential.

What have others said?

“I had the most amazing experience working with Lulu. She is a natural at this work. Even though I’ve worked with a lot of people on my weight and compulsive eating issues, I felt that she was able to really pry me open in the most gentle and powerful manner. She followed up with insightful suggestions and recommendations that built on each other with each meeting. We approached my issues in a whole new way and the benefits will resonate with me for a lifetime. In a relatively short period of time, I was able to find more peace and acceptance with my body than I have in a lifetime. By the end of our work together, I had lost 5 stubborn pounds as a result of her recommendations.”

~ Susan Gerrish

:) Get in touch with me :)

If you want to step into your best inner and outer health, so that you can look and feel amazing without starving or punishing yourself (ie. if you reckon I’m your gal!) – Please get in touch!

Just fill out the contact form below and I’ll get back to you within 48 hours. Everything you tell me is kept strictly confidential, so please allow yourself to be open with me about your concerns.

I really look forward to hearing from you :)

First and Last Name (required)

Email (required)

Phone Number (required)

What are your main struggles when it comes to health, food, and/or weight?

What have you tried or done so far to address your concerns? (if any)

What are your main health goals?

Are there any questions you have about working with me that I can address for you? Please don't hesitate to let me know, I'd love to help you to the best of my ability.

Your privacy is very important to me. Everything you entered on this contact form will be kept strictly confidential.