So you don’t have a flat tummy? Don’t have pins like Twiggy? Don’t have *fill in the blank*? Therefore your life is over right?… Maybe not, sister. Maybe you should read this…

So you don’t have a flat tummy? Don’t have pins like Twiggy? Don’t have *fill in the blank*? Therefore your life is over right?… Maybe not, sister. Maybe you should read this…
It’s a new year ahead! What a great time to try new things and turn over a new leaf. If you want to up your game in 2015 I have ONE AWESOME TIP for you. And TWO ways to practice it. C’mon and find out…
It’s that time of the year when we’re surrounded by laughter, merriness, puddings and fruit mince pies. It’s a great time of the year. But do you know what’s just around the corner?… New Year’s Resolutions. Then New Year’s Resolutions being broken.
Learn yourself some life-chaning mindsets that will keep you above the silly vicious cycle of losing weight, gaining weight, feeling heavy and only showing up 50% in life.